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V1 Ministère des Transports Québec Service Centre
The principles for the harmonization of maintenance contracts between adjacent territories and the distribution of operations between the ministère des Transports and the private sector have also been addressed. Lastly, visitors had the opportunity to learn about snow removal and de-icing procedures as well as to see the vehicles and equipment used for these maintenance operations.
V2 Centre intégré de gestion de la circulation de Québec
Through its team and telecommunications, traffic control and road monitoring activities, the Centre strives to increase the safety of road users and improve traffic flow by providing better knowledge of the network's state and use, as well as through priority actions. In its newly built cutting-edge offices, visitors learned more about the Centre in general, the system used to monitor road conditions in winter, the telecommunications control software and the traffic control tools (network of cameras and changeable message signs) as well as about weather watch and road monitoring operations.
V3 Coordination of snow removal and emergency responses in the city of Québec
The visit took place in two stages. First, participants visited a facility from which the snow removal operations for a district of the city are planned and overseen. They have also been able to examine the equipment used. Second, participants visited the police force's Mission Operation Centre (MOC), where the actions of emergency services are coordinated during major weather events.
V4 The City of Québec snow-melting facility
The removal and transportation of the more than 300 cm of snow that falls every year within the City of Québec's land area have forced the latter to manage and store a very large quantity of snow at its various snow dumps. To reduce these volumes in an environmentally friendly manner, the City of Québec designed, in 1998, a machine to melt the snow collected on roads. This machine uses solar power and geothermics to heat and store the water needed to melt the snow. Close to 60,000 m3 of snow is processed every year by the melter. Participants watched a video presenting the snow melter as well as view the equipment and observe the latter's operation.
V5 Management of Lévis waste snow disposal facilities
As regards the environmental aspect in particular, the layout of these sites makes it possible to manage various contaminants having an impact on water quality. Monitoring activities that include the sampling of ground and surface waters are carried out on an ongoing basis to make sure the facilities adequately fulfill their role. The five sites are supervised by a single person, thanks to the implementation of a computer-based management system. The benefits thus ensured include improved control over operations and costs as well as better overall efficiency. This technology was developed by the City of Lévis in collaboration with the software provider. Congress delegates have been welcomed for a visit to the waste snow disposal facility at the des Moissons site, followed by a demonstration.
V6 Québec - Lévis ferry crossing
During this visit, Congress delegates heard about the company's management policy as well as the policy for the safe handling of users in winter as in summer, including the issues associated with the diversity of user needs, depending on whether they are travelling by foot or by car. On the same occasion, themes associated with regulation and environmental considerations in relation to shore-to-shore navigation have also been integrated in the visit.
V7 Québec City Airport: maintenance of aircraft movement areas
Subject to major time constraints, ever-stricter standards and ceaseless evolution in the field of aeronautics, passenger safety remains a priority. Québec City's airport also significantly improves its performance on an ongoing basis to reduce runway downtimes: three to five hours per season. The technical visit at the airport allowed visitors to discover the equipment used to determine runway conditions and make them usable, as well as help them understand working methods and decision-making processes. |